This calculator is used to find the approximate maximum speed of your brushless-powered R/C vehicle. Many factors have been taken into consideration to make this calculator as accurate as possible, but certain variables like vehicle weight, battery quality, drivetrain drag, etc can have an effect on the actual speed. Also, at speeds at or over 45mph, wind resistance, drivetrain drag, etc becomes a serious factor and may reduce the accuracy of the calculations further. Just keep in mind that the result is the maximum theoretical speed based on ideal conditions. Most likely, the actual speed will be a little less.
Fill in each of the required values (denoted by *) and press the "Calculate Speed" button to display the results. Some fields can be automatically filled with pre-determined values by selecting from the associated drop-down list. Fields beginning with �� are not required but will provide a more accurate speed calculation. If you do not know these values, leave them at their default value.