Recently we migrated a shop from magento1 to magento2 and this is the error that showed up after client tried to access products in the backend.

We got an instant phone call, the website went live the day before today products where not accessible through the backend-office.
To make sure that everything was ok with products we did a quick connection to the database over shell and queried the catalog_product_entity table:
mysql>SELECT * FROM catalog_product_entity
Everything was fine with the products.
What happened?
Prior of the final switch to M2 and before we migrated latest updates to the new store (delta – migration) during the latest check everything seemed to be fine.
This was even more weird because it wasn’t happening for all backend users. At the very first moment we though that it must have been a browser issue. Though client complained again. We tried on incognito but again: all fine on our side.
We did a quick any desk session to Clients computer and logged with his account to magento backend office. Instead of listening 20 products (default) per page client actually switched to 200 products per page.

We switched back to our browser, logged into magento backend office and switched products list from 20 to 200 and there is when the error showed up.
After a quick check we noticed that one product in the list that was supposed to show in browser didn’t have a SKU number. The query to the database showed a NULL value in the sku column.
Magento wasn’t able to handle a NULL value and it throw an error.
How did we fix?
The fastest solution was to update all entries holding a NULL value to ‘ ‘ value (empty space). We connected quick to the database via shell again and performed an UPDATE query:
mysql>Update catalog_product_entity SET sku='' WHERE sku IS NULL;
This query will update all entries with the NULL value in sku column to ”
The issue was fixed.

Someone reported that he had the same error for customer section in magento backend office:
Customer Listing: Attention Something Went Wrong
We didn’t had that problem.